If all this is true, shouldn't it mean gay romantic relationships are inherently flat/shallow compared to straight relationships? You don't believe that, do you? Why is it only inherently unvirtuous to want a partner who's psychologically similar to you if you also want them to be physically similar?
If all this is true, shouldn't it mean gay romantic relationships are inherently flat/shallow compared to straight relationships? You don't believe that, do you? Why is it only inherently unvirtuous to want a partner who's psychologically similar to you if you also want them to be physically similar?
I'll ask the obvious followup question: _how_ can I learn to place more value on stereotypically feminine traits? In succinct terms I know you'll understand, I find Harry from HPMOR very relatable, and (ROT13ing minor spoilers) [V erpbtavmr gur cbfvgvir vasyhrapr Urezvbar unq ba Uneel, naq gung Urezvbar jnf evtug nobhg fbzr guvatf gung Uneel jnf jebat nobhg, naq gung guvf vf cnegyl qhr gb Urezvbar univat pregnva srznyr-glcvpny genvgf. Naq V pevrq ng frireny cbvagf va gur ynfg srj puncgref.] But I think this falls short of the standard you advocate, since [V unir n uneq gvzr vzntvavat zlfrys orvat nggenpgrq gb nal jbzna zhpu zber srzvavar guna UCZBE-Urezvbar, juvpu vf n ybg bs jbzra.]
I actually don't have a good answer for this. :( I hope just being aware that it can be a goal will help somewhat. I didn't know any of this 12 months ago. I personally accomplished this by meeting someone who is like this, feeling how valuable it is, and falling madly in love. I realize that's hard to replicate.
If all this is true, shouldn't it mean gay romantic relationships are inherently flat/shallow compared to straight relationships? You don't believe that, do you? Why is it only inherently unvirtuous to want a partner who's psychologically similar to you if you also want them to be physically similar?
Honestly I don't know anything about gay romantic relationships aside from what I observe 2nd-hand. I don't feel qualified to talk about them. sorry.
If all this is true, shouldn't it mean gay romantic relationships are inherently flat/shallow compared to straight relationships? You don't believe that, do you? Why is it only inherently unvirtuous to want a partner who's psychologically similar to you if you also want them to be physically similar?
AI Narration of this post:
I'll ask the obvious followup question: _how_ can I learn to place more value on stereotypically feminine traits? In succinct terms I know you'll understand, I find Harry from HPMOR very relatable, and (ROT13ing minor spoilers) [V erpbtavmr gur cbfvgvir vasyhrapr Urezvbar unq ba Uneel, naq gung Urezvbar jnf evtug nobhg fbzr guvatf gung Uneel jnf jebat nobhg, naq gung guvf vf cnegyl qhr gb Urezvbar univat pregnva srznyr-glcvpny genvgf. Naq V pevrq ng frireny cbvagf va gur ynfg srj puncgref.] But I think this falls short of the standard you advocate, since [V unir n uneq gvzr vzntvavat zlfrys orvat nggenpgrq gb nal jbzna zhpu zber srzvavar guna UCZBE-Urezvbar, juvpu vf n ybg bs jbzra.]
I actually don't have a good answer for this. :( I hope just being aware that it can be a goal will help somewhat. I didn't know any of this 12 months ago. I personally accomplished this by meeting someone who is like this, feeling how valuable it is, and falling madly in love. I realize that's hard to replicate.