Over the past few weeks I’ve received some feedback that my past few months of posts have been significantly improved from older ones.
On the one hand, this makes sense. I’ve been blogging for a while, I hope I’ve gotten better.
On the other hand, it’s worrying. Lately I’ve been exploring particularly drastic changes in my emotional disposition and outlook on the world. While it’s great to hear they are well-received, one can only have so many such experiences and changes in one’s life. Will I run out? Will they become less interesting? Dunno, guess I’ll find out.
Regardless, I’ll be exploring more personality changes on the blog (I, too, respond to incentives). Some of them will be particularly personal, and I’m reluctant to talk about them too publicly. To overcome this, I may write some posts with the idea that they’ll be for subscribers only (Prior to this almost every post has been public). When I’m done I’ll revaluate if I can publish it openly, or want to keep it away from search engines and casual peeps via paywall. I hope not to do this very often.
Speaking of personal stuff that’s paywalled… I wrote a short story inspired by feelings back in Unwanted Attributes times, and not unrelated to On Being Toxic. (It got longer than a short story actually… 14,000 words (about 50 pages, or 3 Worm chapters)). It’s never been published, and maybe never will be. However I’m making it available to paid subscribers in the post directly after this one. Feel free to offer critiques or suggestions or whatever, it’s not a sacred text or anything. If this works out I may do it regularly.
And since I’m not the only one who responds to incentives, anyone who subscribes between now and Christmas gets a 25% discount. Yay Christmas!