This came across my feed today and I gave it a listen largely because of the mention of Disco Elysium, having just read your post.


While not part of your tribe, I think you may have quite a bit of overlap or adjacency with some of the things these fellows are saying.

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Disco Elysium (and your post here also) captures something I’ve long thought about life: Life is often painful and lonely and crushing, but there are also pure crystallized perfect moments that can surprise you out of nowhere. For me, that’s enough to keep on going.

The darkness is only a passing thing. There’s light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.

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Yes! That's what I'm trying to get to, at the core of my Spirituality of Aesthetics. Creating as many and as beautiful such perfect moments as we can, to stay in the timestream forever, is the true calling of life.


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"She left because she couldn’t do anything else."

Not a bad explanation but kinda glosses over class divide. She was from relatively well off family and he was gym teacher and later - a cop. Propably had a hint of alcoholism even before a spiral. She mentions that the rent was being paid by Harry's wages and her parents' money (she did work teaching arts but not contributedto rent?). I don't think it's wild guess that communits developers would affect the tone of past relationship

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Oh hell yes. This game was incredible. Best writing I've ever seen in a game.

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