SF/F Review – Machines Like Me
Machines Like Me, by Ian McEwan
Synopsis: A privileged, insufferable idiot has a bad relationship with this girlfriend and whines a lot. Book Review: This is straight-up LitFic. Some ponce literary author wanted to write "SF" without having ever bothered to read any, and you get crap like this. The protagonist comes into possession of one of the first androids ever created. By the time I got to page 50, he still HAD NOT TURNED IT ON. He was too busy whining about the ennui of being an english major in a university and having a girlfriend that just doesn't understand him. By the time we do get to the android being turned on, we do almost nothing with it. It's just a thing for the protag to be angsty about, and occasionally act like an autistic nephew. This isn't SF. This is what someone who's only exposure to SF was seeing an episode of the 60's Star Trek out of the corner of his eye while someone else was watching it across the room. "Oh man, if I put an android in my novel, it'll blow people's minds! He'll be all... analytic and not understanding of human emotions!" The "alternate history" parts are occasional exposition dumps inserted in the most boring way possible without impacting anything in the story. Both the "SF" and the "alternate history" parts of this novel could be removed without changing anything of substance. I don't think LitFic authors should write SF if they aren't read in it. The fact that they think they can shows how much contempt they hold for any form of art other than their own. I spit on them. I'm on record as hating most LitFic, and this is no exception. MFA programs seem designed to ruin art. They give talentless hacks the idea that they can write because they learn how to string words together without actually creating anything of substance, while also denigrating most good art society produces. You know how you get awful crap like Star Trek: Picard? By hiring MFAs who have been taught to disdain what makes SF good and don't care to do anything right aside from what they were taught makes "good dialog." Most MFAs also teach people to only "write what they know," which is why you get stories of disaffected, insufferable intellectuals whining about their bad relationships. What else has an upper-middle-class kid pursuing an MFA degree done in his/her life? I would consider this a typical LitFic book in that it doesn't bother to think about anything of substance, has no higher goal or message, and is just griping about personal relationships with no stakes. To be fair, a couple people in our book club like LitFic and read some occasionally, and they both said that this is an exceptionally bad example of LitFic. To the point that focusing on how it fails as SF is besides the point, since it already fails really hard as LitFic. They assured me there really is some good LitFic out there, and some day I'll read some of it and be wowed. I'm sure they're right, but that day is not today. Vehemently Not Recommended. Book Club Review: Most people gave up long before the end. Everyone hated it, even the LF readers. There's nothing of substance here, so mostly we complained about how bad it was. Not Recommended.