I really appreciate the nuance and emotion you were able to weave into this post Eneasz. This is one of the best articles I have read all year. I had similar thoughts on Scott Alexander's post, and I think you expressed them very well. Me and my girlfriend live in a city with a high homeless population, and we both take transit to work. I struggle with this issue a lot, because I have firsthand seen how many people who are homeless are some of the best people, and have been truly victimized and need support. We have also how many people suffer from mental illness, and though it is not necessarily their fault at all, they are dangerous to themselves and other people. For now, I am grateful that me and my girlfriend work at the same hospital and can travel together, but there are times when it would make sense for her to travel alone, but she simply does not feel safe and I don't blame her.
These things are really complicated, and I really appreciate all of the nuanced discussion on the issue going around. Thanks for your contribution!
I really appreciate the nuance and emotion you were able to weave into this post Eneasz. This is one of the best articles I have read all year. I had similar thoughts on Scott Alexander's post, and I think you expressed them very well. Me and my girlfriend live in a city with a high homeless population, and we both take transit to work. I struggle with this issue a lot, because I have firsthand seen how many people who are homeless are some of the best people, and have been truly victimized and need support. We have also how many people suffer from mental illness, and though it is not necessarily their fault at all, they are dangerous to themselves and other people. For now, I am grateful that me and my girlfriend work at the same hospital and can travel together, but there are times when it would make sense for her to travel alone, but she simply does not feel safe and I don't blame her.
These things are really complicated, and I really appreciate all of the nuanced discussion on the issue going around. Thanks for your contribution!
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