Not Everything Has To Be A Series (dammit)
I hear tell of bygone days of yore, where a writer could actually make a living and support a family by writing short stories. Apparently short-story markets paid well enough (relative to cost of living) for this to be a viable career up until the 50s or 60s. I was surprised when I first learned this, because it's never been the case in my life.
No one writes short stories for money. You do it to learn, or to make a name for yourself, or for the love of the form. The pay for short stories is beer money, or maybe fancy new shoes. It's not "I can pay rent and eat!" money. One must keep a day job.
So many authors, once they get a book deal and start writing professionally, basically stop writing short stories. This is saddening, because I really like short stories by my favorite authors. But I understand the need to pay rent and buy clothes.
There's been a trend over the last decade of moving to series. More than a trend, really - nowadays every publisher wants to know if your novelĀ could be a series, and a majority of authors (at least in genre) all aim to write a multi-book series from the start. If it's not the default yet, it will be before the decade's out. And the reason is the same. Series pay better. Most authors can no longer support a family writing individual novels.
I really hate this trend, because it leads to the Marvelization of everything. The Marvel Universe is one of the most annoying things to have happened to cinema. Within that "universe" of tied-together movies, there are no movies that are worth seeing for their own sake. Every movie has to string the audience along, acting as an advertisement for the next movie in the series. This degrades the quality of the story in the current movie, often by a great amount. Nothing truly interesting can happen, because it would disrupt the universe, and the production schedules of coming movies. Characters can't grow or change very much, due to the fact that they must be re-used continuously. How many life-changing character-arcs can a human have in one lifetime? Three, maybe four, if they have a very rich life and live for quite a long time? Certainly not 1-2 every year. And yet that's how often we'll be seeing them on screen. So most of the time they'll simply be going through the paces without changing.
Marvel audiences no longer go see a movie because the movie itself tells an interesting story, but rather because they fear falling behind on events, or missing an important development (ha!). They've become hostages to the universe, continuing to sacrifice attention and money on the alter of an emotional obligation.
This emotional obligation was probably very useful back when everyone you knew actually existed, and learning about what had happened to them recently was valuable on it's own, and strengthened your bonds. Emotional obligations to the intellectual property of Disney simply gives them a way to get your money without having to put in the effort of telling a good story. They can reneg on their creative responsibilities and still profit.
When it was movies, I just stopped going to extended-universe-style movies. But the fact that it's taking over genre writing as well is depressing. Yes, some stories need to be told over multiple books. And the art of "series writing" is an actual thing, which is different from novel writing. But mostly what I see is writers abandoning the art of writing a good, strong novel, in favor of stretching a story out over 3+ books in order to make it a series.
This invariably degrades the quality of the novel. And it wastes the readers time (I'm very jealous of my time nowadays). And it exploits the same emotional obligations of readers, holding them hostage to characters that have stopped developing.
On the other hand, it's very hard to say to someone "you should write in a way that removes this as a career option for you." Writing is time consuming, and it's hard to write while holding a full time job. Writing a series can make the act of writing a viable career for many. If someone is willing to dilute their art in order to be able to do it for a living, I feel like an elitist asshole to speak against that. Who am I to say "You should either be independently wealthy, or condemn your children to living in squalor?"
But dammit, who are they to say "Because this is the work I would rather be doing, I will use psychological tricks to get you to support my career, instead of actually producing an amazing product?" I hate this trend. I want to shake people and say "Stop devaluing your product! You're just writing soap operas at this point!" :(