This is a link-post for my book club. We’ll be reading the ones that exist are available in English for our first August meeting. Some have audio versions accompanying them at the link. If there’s a way to access translations of the works that appear in Chinese venues, please let me know. List taken from File770.
“The Space-Time Painter”, by Hai Ya — This is listed in the Hugo nominees as published in Galaxy’s Edge April 2022. English-language Galaxy’s Edge does not have an April 2022 issue. Either there’s a Chinese version that Google thinks I don’t need to know about (which is legit likely, Google has become shit) or the Hugo Awards Committee blinking out “Help, we’re being held at gunpoint by the CCP” in morse code, digitally. Anyway, this link points to a Chinese-language anthology that may contain the story.
“The Difference Between Love and Time”, by Catherynne M. Valente
“A Dream of Electric Mothers”, by Wole Talabi
“If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You”, by John Chu
“Murder By Pixel: Crime and Responsibility in the Digital Darkness”, by S.L. Huang
“We Built This City”, by Marie Vibbert
Short Stories
“On the Razor’s Edge”, by Jiang Bo — Not available (Science Fiction World)
“Rabbit Test”, by Samantha Mills
“Resurrection”, by Ren Qing — Not available online, but English translation is available in the Galaxy Awards 1 anthology (thank you commenter Robert S!)
“The White Cliff”, by Lu Ban — Not available (Science Fiction World)
“Zhurong on Mars”, by Regina Kanyu Wang — Not available (Frontiers, apparently, which Google also thinks I don’t need to know about because I can’t find its existence. This language-barrier thing is a dick!)
Of note - In the original release of Hugo Nominees, the story “Upstart” by Lu Ban was listed as a nominee. The list was quickly withdrawn, under claims of technical errors, and a new nominee list was released without this story (it was replaced by The White Cliff, also by Lu Ban). I’m interested in reading this one, and will do so, particularly because there’s so few short stories available for reading.
I found “Resurrection” by Ren Qing translated in Galaxy Awards 1: Chinese Science Fiction Anthology. It's also got Upstart and a story by Jiang Bo, though not the one that's nominated. It's available here:
Edit: Also a story by Hai Ya, though again not the one nominated, unfortunately.