Various updates and retractions
In what I hope will become a regular feature, I have a number of updates to previous posts.
In my Against Marriage Hybrids post I’ve added this regarding Lovers Marriages:
It also includes a vow to not produce children. (What penalties/procedures to implement if this vow is broken is to be speculated upon in a future post) [Edit: A reader convinced this is a stupid idea. Kids happen, and sometimes it’s a normal outgrowth of what began as a Lovers relationship. Simply default to a the Lovers Marriage becoming a standard western marriage as we know them today upon the birth or adoption of a child]
And I’ve added this regarding people breaking a Founders Marriage:
A new Founders Marriage cannot be entered into for at least five years. [Edit: a different reader convinced me this is ENTIRELY too punitive for a female in prime reproductive years. 12-18 months may be more appropriate. And as mentioned below, can be waived/reduced via rehab.]
In my Updates to Roseanne post I’ve added this:
I’ve been given enough sources by readers to convince me that it is extremely likely that the Rosanne cancellation entirely justified, and necessary. It seems she’d been growing increasingly unhinged and belligerent, and absolutely unresponsive to the concerns of her coworkers and partners. The massive precipitous withdrawal of support was a last-straw from people who had exhausted all other options. People had learned the Charlie Sheen lesson of “don’t humor this sort of mental decline indefinitely.” It wasn’t a coordinated effort at character assassination.
This makes the incident’s status as the formalization of the playbook for cancellation particularly tragic. Despite being necessary and justified, it also demonstrated how such a thing is done successfully, and afterwards it was adopted as a tactic for culture warfare. :( Effective weapons are just as effective when used for ill.