Two More Stories Published
During the past year I didn't completely give up on getting published, continuing to send out stories and even writing another one. As a result, I had two stories published in the later half of 2020! For those interested, here they are:

"Give Me My Wings" is published inĀ Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. It's a very short story (only 2000 words!) about not fitting into the world, and a human-created afterlife. Like most of my stories, I have very mixed feelings on the choices the protagonist makes, but this one moreso than most.
The anthology is full of optimistic stories in a bright future. Before you ask, I don't know what's up with that cover... the pay rates for the writers were really good, so I don't think it's a lack of funding? I asked about that, but I think I offended the publisher, so.... :/

"Not Fade Away" is published in Aurealis #136. It's a piece about remaining useful even as you age and degrade. It's one of the first stories I wrote, and it took a fair bit of polishing and rewriting to get it to the state it's at today. I'm glad I didn't give up on this one.