Supporting Those Who Hate You

Say you lived in a small community centered around a church that provided most social services. Gross, I know, but you can't help where you're raised. If you became very successful and covered half the annual costs of the church, well, that's good for everyone I guess. But if the church villifies you and people like you (gay, or black, or whatever) and every sunday preaches about how bad you and people like you are... I would kinda expect you to want to move away from that place. And if that leaves the church with a big hole in their budget... well, too bad?
The wealthiest 1% of Californians account for 46% of California's tax revenue. And seeing how much California despises its wealthy tech industry, they've started moving away. I'm starting to think the combinationg of "Tax the wealthy to pay for everything" and "Villify the wealthy as monsters" may not be sustainable.