SF/F Review – The Stars Are Legion
The Stars Are Legion, by Kameron Hurley
Synopsis: A fleet of Death Star-esque biological space stations are slowly dying. Their inhabitants will die with them, so they fight bloody wars over the few healthy stations remaining. Book Review: This could have been a good book if it had been given the attention it needed. The premise has promise, and the world Hurley has created is intriguing. But this feels like a first draft that was rushed out. We are often not given any description of our surroundings or the objects our hero (Zan) interacts with, which is a problem in science-fiction. I need some idea of what a space station's interior looks like, aside from "biological." When Zan goes to the hanger (how big?), looks at a "vehicle," repairs it, takes off, and gets into combat, it wasn't until she was already zipping through space that I realized it was basically a space-motorcycle that she was riding on. Until then I'd defaulted to a Star Trek-style shuttlecraft. This sort of thing is rife throughout the book. The dialog can be clunky, as if it was a placeholder for something to be fleshed out. Whenever anything with color is described it is always just one or two simple primary colors that are mentioned. I got sick of everything being either Green, Yellow, or Purple--it felt like I was watching a low-budget cartoon. Some of the action didn't quite make sense, as if Hurley wasn't really keeping track of where in the room everyone was, just jotting down fighting motions. All this led to boredom with the story. Reading a slightly-filled-in story outline doesn't make for exciting reading. When I got to the first sex scene I thought "Oh thank goodness, at least this will be interesting." But it turns out that an author rushing through a narrative can even make sex boring. Hurley also starts the novel off with an amnesiac character (already a very tricky thing to do) and then has a second POV character. Who is intimately tied up in these events, but without anmesia. Which, like, at that point the jig is up. We're in the POV of someone who knows the mysterious thing in the recent past that is supposed to be providing narrative suspense. Hurley tries to get around this by simply concealing it from us. At least once I read something like 'She thought about the thing in her past, the really bad thing she tries not to think about.' The POV character literally thought about the thing while we're in her POV that we're not supposed to know about, so it's just marked as "the thing" she's thinking about. Is there any way MORE clumsy to hide info from the reader? /fallsonfloor Hurley does do a very good job of conveying rage, which is her trademark. So anytime there was rage to be felt, I felt it. But then there's the other 95% of the novel... The thing is, Kameron Hurley is a good writer. Both The Horror Novel You'll Never Have To Live and We Have Always Fought are very well done! I've heard from numerous sources that God's War is really good, and I regret we didn't read that one instead! Why was Stars Are Legion written so carelessly? In Horror Novel we are told that Hurley has Type 1 Diabetes, and can only afford to live as long as she keeps a day job that provides Health Insurance. This is, in fact, the primary reason that most people who would otherwise take risks working for themselves or starting a new business instead continue working for The Man. Our government makes it extremely difficult for anyone with dependents or not in perfect health to do anything other than work as a cog in the corporate system. If I recall correctly, in a more recent post she's mentioned that she aims for two novels a year. Plus her day job, family/relationships, etc. That's a crazy pace. You hear about this sort of thing a lot in music. A band puts out their first album, and it's the culmination of years and years of effort. And then they've got six months to put out the follow-up album, and it's just not enough time to make something as great, something that was refined over years. Authors often sign multi-book contracts, because I guess that's what publishers want nowadays? If something comes up in personal life, or work life, and you can't find the time on weekends and evenings to make this what it should be--tough. The publisher wants a manuscript, and the contract has a deadline and a word count, and you can't fuck that up if you want to keep a career in fiction writing. So instead, one is forced to hand in an early draft and go to print with that. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if we had sane healthcare. If people weren't forced to work 40 hours a week to get access to the insurance-industry-paywalled medicine that keeps them alive. If an author could choose to live on low wages and take the time they need for a book, rather than having that choice mean death. What I'm saying is, America's shitty healthcare is to blame for all sorts of things, and this is just one more of them. Not Recommended. Book Club Review: Not everyone was as disappointed as I was. The coolness of the setting kept a number of people hooked through the end. One of our readers said the real story is in the last 25 pages or so (which I never got to) and this would really have been better as a short story or novelette. But there's not much wider conversation that this novel brings up, and I can't see any reason to inflict this on a book club. Not Recommended.