I strongly recommend this article tracking how the trans movement came into violent conflict with feminism and broader normie culture due to a single seismic event 10 years ago. It caused two types of MtF trans to be conflated under a single category of "transwoman" and changed everything.
This was quite insightful for me - even though I was very politically aware at the time I didn't notice the shift as it was happening. These things have repercussions that take years to make themselves known.
The most startling (and yet obvious when you look around part) is how this guides what relationships MtF people are realistically allowed to have.
Thanks for recommending this. I found it sufficiently interesting to write a whole (short) essay in response. I thought you might be interested:
I listened to it on audio here: https://askwhocastsai.substack.com/p/the-jenner-shift-and-its-consequences
I found it confusing. Didn't understand what autogynephilia is until I read the Wikipedia article. He said it once, but with the audio, I couldn't re-read it. I think I understand the tragic conclusions, but it's hard to take in as audio if you're not familiar with the terminology. Also, I guess I missed the part about how the trans movement came into violent conflict with feminism and broader normie culture. I only remember the part about autygyns being doomed to celibacy.
I'm skeptical that the two types of trans women are really distinct or opposites.
What was missing was a discussion of trans women who are what trans activists imply all trans women are: people with gender dysophoria who want to be women, and are attracted to men. How many of them are there, how much trouble do they have getting laid? I know they exist, because some have tried to hook up with me. Can they hook up easily with gay men? Why should they have problems hooking up with cis straight men if, as the author wrote, men will fuck anything with a hole?
The link you provide is to a deleted substack by hieronymusbotch. The correct link is