Pounded in the Butt Podcast - :(
soooo… I've listened to the first episode of Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast, and I'm really disappointed.
The guy playing Chuck Tingle really plays up the "retarded voice" for laughs, and I'm not PC or anything, but man, it really struck me as distasteful. ><
Then they read Tingle's breakout hit (Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt), which was good! But it was just Cecil's uncut first take, with people laughing in the background. Not terrible or anything, but it was kinda dumb and uncomfortable when book-ended by the previously mentioned Chuck Tingle voice.
I said in my first Chuck Tingle post that Tingle's works, while they are parody, are "done in a gentle way that endears you to the characters." The Chuck Tingle persona himself is the same way, there's a sweetness and sincerity about the character that I think is what attracts most of his fans. This podcast feels like the opposite of that - a mockery that is mean-spirited, and somewhat cruel.
So far, not a fan, dunno if it's worth listening to the next one. :(