New Atheists and New Trek
Thank god that the internet exists, allowing the best and most coherent views on a matter to rise to the top. Siderea post on New Atheism is perfect.
"I'm not surprised when the New Atheists are characterized in ways which attempt to erase what they are saying or just get them to shut up. They're forcing a conversation that most on the left really don't want to have."
Unrelated - we should legit refer to the shows as "Star Trek: Orville" and "The Discovery" in the interest of greater accuracy. The Discovery is insultingly bad writing, forehead-smashingly-stupid science (yes, far moreso than normal Trek), and so visually ugly that it's sandpaper for the eyes. ORV, on the other hand, is everything Trek was at its peak, with extra silliness thrown in. And yeah, a lame post-divorce thing you gotta overlook, but every Trek had something you had to bear through. It's the true successor of the Trek line, I am seriously surprised by how good it is.