Denver Comic Con 2014 Main Events Volunteering, in Pics
I worked in Crowd Control (technically "Programming") at Denver Comic Con this year. I got bumped up to a staff position this year (from general volunteer last year) so they had me working basically open-to-close all three days. Which was my own darn fault for volunteering/accepting. :) It was fun and I learned some stuff... more on the nuts-and-bolts of helping to run one small section of a major convention later. Right now, just unloading some pics and related thoughts.

This is the Mini-Main Events. It is the room I was in charge of for all three days. Three long, excruciating days. Fortunately I had a lot of help, mad props to all our volunteers!! This room seated 900, and hit capacity twice (first for Levar Burton/Reading Rainbow, and then for Arrow cuz (in addition to the show being good) the Green Arrow actor is apparently hot as fuck. I snuck in to see and yeah, he's really damn good looking).

This is the Events Crew on the Main Events stage, bright and early Friday morning. We were still excited and full of energy.

This is as much of the Main Events room as I could get with my cruddy phone camera, from the stage. It seated 1600, and hit capacity once, for Bruce Campbell. People were queuing up for him 2.5 hours early. THAT was an exciting two hours...

Awesome Goliath cosplay, and acceptable Elisa

I heard a kid (late teens or early twenties) exclaim "YES! Dyson AirBlade! I love this thing!" with a bit of a surfer drawl. Weirdest thing I've ever seen anyone be super enthusiastic about. :)

Levar Burton during the Reading Rainbow panel.

I barely had any time to snap cosplay pics, they had me working 12 hours a day. But I did get this shot taken. It's not technically cosplay, these were models that were modeling some sort of synthetic-skin bikini, walking around at one point. Looks extremely real. Anyway, this was a fun picture to pose for. :) Altho jesus, that middle girl looks like she's about to die.

Gigi Edgly (Chiana from FarScape) during her panel. She asked this little girl to come up on stage to ask her question, and knelt down to talk with her on her level, which I thought was the coolest thing ever. It's so awesome when celebrities are good people.

The TNG Reunion was the highlight for me, having grown up on that show

Marina Sirtis was my first crush. Turns out 20 years doesn't let you forget that. She's still got dem curves. :)

I was skeptical of The Shat being onstage with the TNG crew, but he actually made a darn good moderator/host.

TNG Reunion. Left to Right - Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes, Denise Crosby, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn. And Shatner as host. Sadly no Patrick Stewart or Brent Spiner, but it was amazing!

One last one of Marina.
On the way home, riding the light rail, just as me and my SO were getting off at our stop a guy down the train car said he'd be willing to buy either of our Denver Comic Con volunteer shirts (all volunteers got free shirts, which they had to wear while on duty). I asked him how much, and he offered $20, which seemed fair enough. Especially since I had two more at home. I guess DCC wanted all their volunteers to be NOT STINKY, so they shelled out enough money to get us a new shirt for each day. Which was awesome of them! Anyway, it's the first time anyone has literally bought the shirt off my back. :D