Decisive Win For Larry Correia
Wow! I expected him to get on at least one work in each category, but I did not expect this! A majority everywhere that it matters, and a few sweeps!
Sad Puppy Slate vs Hugo Nominations
Three out of Five for Best Novel (there's a possibility it could have been 4 out of 5, we won't know until the full numbers are released after WorldCon, because Larry declined his own nomination)
All Three that they picked for Best Novella. Not terribly surprising, as those are the least read & have the least nominations cast, so they're the easiest to take if you get a coherent block of voters working with you. But still impressive.
All Four that they picked for Best Novelette! Plus John C. Wright for the fifth pick! Daaaaamn!
Three out of Five for Best Short Story.
ALL FIVE for Best Related Work. I almost skipped this, because I don't really care about "related work," but I'm glad I checked because I wasn't expecting that!
And they got in their one pick for Best Graphic Story.
I didn't check the rest, because I don't particularly care, but I imagine the Sad Puppies did similarly well.
Note that this year you cannot vote against the Sad Puppies Slate in at least one category. I find that fascinating.
It only took three years for the Sad Puppies to get to this level of influence. If this keeps up, Correia's blessing will be as valuable as the Pope's in the SF-writing circle. He probably doesn't want that power thrust upon him. But from now on, every aspiring writer will have in the back of their minds "I wonder if this is something Larry & Brad will like?" And that will inevitably alter the field, at least a bit.
I still REALLY hope that Larry comes to this year's WorldCon. It would make for one of the most memorable WorldCons ever. If his fans show up with him, it could be the start of the "retaking" of the Hugos that they've been talking about.
EDIT: It was pointed out to me that the remaining nominations in Short Story, Novellette, and Novella categories all went to the Rabid Puppies slate. It's impossible not to vote for a Puppies nominee in any non-Novel fiction category. Won't this be a fun year?