Canonical Thinkings
Here's two replies from a recent post, where my responses became long enough to make into their own post.
>But quite often the intended interpretaions will prove more important. On your Star Wars prequels example, imagine if that fan theory became widely supported before the release of episode III. Then, the creators of the films say “no, that’s not what we mean”.
I think Star Wars is a fascinating example, because the creator of the film (Lucas) did at one point say "No, that's not what I mean" and changed one of the most iconic scenes of the movies, the one where Han shoots Greedo in the Cantina. And en masse everyone said "Screw you," to him, and the world continues to accept that Greedo never fired, despite Lucas's assertions (and film-doctoring) to the contrary. So, while Word of God is considered very influential, it doesn't have the power to alter the actual work, and is often just considered a very well-reasoned opinion on the piece to be taken into consideration. The piece itself still stands on its own though.
> How much of the text has to support an interpretation before it can be considered valid?
For you? However much you want. For others - however much is needed to convince them. This depends a lot on how convincing one is, and how friendly the audience is. :)
> If the author isn’t, in fact, dead and makes a statement that a given interpretation is incorrect, could that statement be considered a part of the work’s canon and therefore invalidate the interpretation?
Canon is a weird thing, because it is determined by a central authority. In the USA, this is generally whoever owns the copyright. The day that Disney said "The Star Wars Extended Universe is no longer canon. Now what we licence and produce is canon instead," that became true. When the Catholic church declares which books (and which translations) are canon and which aren't, that's true for them as well.
But on the other hand, that's only true insomuch as people accept it. When a protestant sect says the Book of Judith isn't canon, that's true for their followers. And when the entire Star Wars fan base says "We don't care what Disney or Lucas declare, we don't accept that Greedo shot first," then Han Shot First is the story that lives in everyone's mind regardless of what "official" canon may be.
My big run in with this was in Redshirts. At the end of the novella Scazli ends a chapter with:Several months later, an asteroid hit the ship and everyone died. The End. (paraphrased, I didn't look up the exact wording). I was reading on an e-reader, and so I couldn't see the next page. And that ending really shook me. I sat and thought about it for quite a while. And finally I said, "No. The author is wrong. That didn't happen. The story in my head does not end that way, because fuck that ending." And that was that. Then I turned the page and saw the next chapter started with "Just kidding." My friends who read the physical version said that the end of the previous chapter and the start of the next chapter are both visible when the book is laid open, so they never had any such moment, they could see the "Just Kidding" right there. I am sad that they did not have as profound of an experience as I did.
Of course I can do that because Redshirts doesn't have an entire community built around it. The Star War Extended Universe erasure was far more contentious, because it creates a bit rift between those who had their universe "taken away" by Disney, and those who don't care because they're too young or weren't interested in the previous EU. Even if the traditionalists refuse to accept the erasure and continue to call the old EU canon, they will eventually be supplanted by a new generation, and their tradition will die out. It is a sad thing. :(
So yeah, canon, bleh. What is it good for?