A clarification
In response to yesterday's post, this comment was madeĀ on the reddit HPMoR subforum: I sort of see "encouraging a fanbase to all buy supporting memberships to Worldcon to get specific items added to the ballot" as more of a questionable action
I'd much prefer to get more people involved in WorldCon in general. I would be disappointed if people bought the membership just to get HPMoR on the ballot, and I also think that'd be a waste of money. $50 is far better spent on donating to a charitable cause if that's your only motivation. But I love WorldCon, and I'm excited about it, and I'm trying to encourage others to share in that fun. If it's something that seems like it could be up your alley but you've never done it before, this is a great year to jump in! But please don't take it as a call-to-action for HPMoR's sake or anything. Do it because you're enthusiastic about SF! (if you are)